About a week ago, Natasha and I decided to do an investigation focusing on her relative's grave. The woman's name is Annie. Annie was born in 1861 and passed away in 1938. Annie lived to be around 77 years old. Natasha doesn't know exactly how she is related, just that this woman is a member of her family, an older generation.
We started our investigation, attempting to contact Annie, Ethel, or Anton, but mostly focused on Annie. One weird thing I would like to note, Anton's name is written on the grave, but no date of death. This could mean one of three things. One, he's still alive. Considering Anton was born in 1897, I find this incredibly unlikely. That, or he is one of the oldest human beings alive, coming in at 121 years old. Two, for some reason Anton is buried somewhere else. Or three, no one had his time of death engraved on the tombstone. Since we do not know Anton's story, we decided to give it a shot and try and contact him. Based on our investigation, we felt like we may have been talking to Annie.
I won't keep you here for hours by spilling all the details of our investigation. If you would like a better idea of what happened, I suggest watching this video.
The last time we were at this grave, the energy started off nice. It eventually turned into more of a nasty vibe. We kept that in mind whilst we went on with this investigation. During a dowsing rod session, we reached out to Annie. The rods crossed as we asked questions pertaining towards her. We decided to ask about the mean "spirit" we seemed to contact during a spirit box session a couple of years ago.
"Was he a demon?" I had my doubts. I believe most spirit interactions are not demonic. Even the negative ones. I'll dive more into that in another post.
The rods crossed, meaning yes. I would be lying if I said this didn't send a shiver down my spine. However, once the moment was over, the skeptical part of my brain was like, HELLO! We don't believe that!
This thought stuck with me for a while. Until the next day when I sat down and examined everything. The videos, the evp session, the dowsing rod sessions, the app we tested out, and the pictures. Oh, the pictures. It was a shock.
I took two pictures of Natasha back to back.
The first one appeared normal.
See, the normalist of normal.
The second one, however, not so normal.
At first, I thought maybe two large bugs quickly flew into the picture without us noticing. Then I zoomed in.
No wings, legs, or bodies, but two faces. I noticed the first orb looked like a woman's face right away. It looks like a profile picture of a woman with an older hairstyle. One that had a bit of a wave to the side and was shorter than what's trendy today. Possibly resembling a 20's or 30's hairstyle.
The orb below it appears to be a bit more sinister. A face is there, yes and an upside down cross appears to be on the forehead. Being the skeptic that I am, I had to see if others saw what I saw. Multiple people in my personal life saw it and when I uploaded the video, many of you guys did to.
So, did we contact Annie? Did we contact a demon two years ago? We'll never be sure, but I thought this was incredibly interesting.
In the Philadelphia, Bucks County. or Delaware County area and want to contact us about a haunting? Email us at christineandnatasha@gmail.com
Meet The Spirit Seekers

Seeking out spirits one haunted location at a time!
Monday, July 23, 2018
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
The Scariest Spirit Box Session!
Two years ago, we decided to do our longest investigation yet. This was exciting for us because we had new tactics and ideas we were trying out. Most of our normal length investigations result in a ten to fifteen-minute video depending on how active if at all active, the "haunting" was. This investigation was so intense and so active, the video was thirty-five minutes long, and that was just the highlights.
Early on, experiences started to happen. Lacey, my German boxer even seemed to feel some sort of presence. I find, normally on investigations, it takes a few minutes to get the ball rolling. I have been to famous and highly active places before. None of those investigations started with results like this. We started during sunlight for multiple reasons. One, we wanted to walk through with my boxer. Two, we planned on being here for a while. When you watch paranormal shows, they always take place at night. It's spooky. It sets the mood. Would you be more frightened if a rainbow and clouds set the scene or the foggy night sky? People will tell you that "the witching hour" is the best time to investigate. In my opinion, it can be. However, people around the world have paranormal experiences at all times of the day. Most of our investigations do take place at night, but like I said earlier, it's honestly just mood setting and there is less outside interference.
If you watched the video uploaded at the top, you heard those words uttered out of the spirit box. GET.YOU.CHRISTINE.
That stunned me. It wasn't so much hearing my name that stunned me. It was what it said right before that, followed my name. This was the very first time we reached something truly negative. Our experiences for the most part up until that very moment had been positive. Light. Even, sometimes, fun. Because we are paranormal investigators with a HUGE skeptical side, we decided this would not deter us from the investigation at hand. Lacey was all over the place that day. Was she picking up on a not-so-friendly spirit or was she just being a dog? We will never know for sure, but we couldn't deny something strange was in the air that night. We brought her home, so we could really dive into the investigation. The night's events that followed were intriguing, to say the least. Sometimes the investigation felt good, felt positive. Other times, we felt sick. Another first for me. I never felt sick on an investigation, until this one. More negative words followed. Lucifer, Your friend is in danger, and more. We left feeling utterly confused. Could we be picking up on both negative and positive spirits that night? Each section of the graveyard felt different. Like a different presence was there each time. Maybe we were experiencing the different people's personalities. After all, everyone is unique in the way that they behave. Or maybe it was something darker. Something you hope not to encounter.
Full Investigation
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